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  • Writer's pictureLevi

A Generic Update Post Basically

Summer is a conflicting time of year.

With me not taking summer courses, that's 15 more hours of potential productivity every week. How do I spend these hours? Obsessively checking Discord or playing Minecraft or the Sims.

Most of this time is spent lying in bed, since I lack a proper desk. How does lying in bed all day make me feel? Tired. How does being tired make me feel? Like lying in bed and goofing off instead of doing something more constructive. It's an endless cycle.

With that said, here's where what creative energy I can muster has been directed towards, in descending order;

  1. Art requests--I know I haven't posted any of these for several days, but bear with me, they're coming.

  2. Nightmare--After posting the first part I needed to re-assess my direction with it. With that done, I just need to find a way to properly but not overly develop the themes involved.

  3. Control Freak--I kind of hit a wall with this, but I'm still committed to it. I've found some progress can be made by fleshing out the bare-bones chapters already written.

Thus concludes my short and sweet update. I tried to make a deep blog post, I really did, but nothing's gotten me sufficiently angry of late. Maybe I should fix that. I don't know. At least I'll have something to rant about next month. /foreshadowing

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