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I do things. A lot of things, actually. But the thing I like to do most is build worlds. 

Hi, I'm


The Mission

Donner Books has one main mission: to provide good literature to today's young minds. Whether or not our literature is actually good is not for me to decide, but that's my goal.


I also seek to, through showing the world as it is not, show the world as it is. Because maybe, just maybe, there's more to the factual world than we could ever know, just as with the fictional world.


What I Do

I build worlds and reveal them through stories. These stories are compiled and distributed to online platforms, where they can be accessed free of charge (for the time being, at least). It's all pretty simple.


About Me

I'm a college student from Oklahoma who drinks too much coffee and overthinks everything. I'm your generic bookish nerd with a better grasp on social institutions than social interaction. Besides writing, I dabble in drawing and politics.


Inventing histories, species, factions, needless subplots, etc. has always been my thing. So has exploring the ways in which people are brought together and together fulfill their destined roles in life. Because it's fun to pretend sometimes we have any idea what ours are.


I don't plan to make a career out of writing. This is just my hobby. But I want to share it with everyone who will listen.

Drawing of Levi Donner
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